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Day: February 10, 2012

Using SharePoint Filters with Reporting Services Parameters for Personalized Reports

Using Reporting Services integrated with SharePoint has some tremendous advantages for report re-use. In many cases, a single report can be designed, and then placed on contextual pages for customized display by setting the report parameters through the Reporting Services web part. Filter web parts can also be used to drive the Reporting Services parameters, and finally, users can set the parameters directly if allowed.

However, what happens when we want users to be able to set some of  the parameters, but not all of them? This can be achieved through a combination of filters and web part settings.

Consider the following report:


Our requirement is to place a Reporting Services web part on a page that will display the report for the currently logged in user. In addition, the user should be able to select the time period to display, but the default for the time period should be the current year. Finally, users should not be able to use this  report to view the submissions of other employees.

We can accomplish this firstly by adding three parameters to the above report – Start Date, End Date, and Employee. We will then restrict the results returned to the report to those meeting our parameters. Our main dataset query is as follows:

WHERE SubmittedDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

AND Employee= @Employee

Ideally, we could use SharePoint filters to set the value of all three parameters (details on this below…), and then completely hide the Reporting Services parameter pane from the users. Unfortunately, the date filter in SharePoint doesn’t quite meet our requirement.


We can explicitly set the default value, or make it a function of the current date, but what we can’t do is to set it to the first day of the current year, last day of the current year, etc. True, on Jan 1 we could go to the page and edit the parameters of the filter, but we’re looking for something a little more elegant than that.

We can get these sorts of values through SQL Queries, so what we’re going to do is to set the default values of the parameters with a Reporting Services Dataset. The dataset query is:

DATENAME(Year,GETDATE())+'0101' as StartDate,
DATENAME(Year,GETDATE())+'1231' as EndDate
This basically retrieves the current year and then appends Jan 01, and Dec 31 respectively to return the values in YYYMMDD format. These values are then set as the defaults for the start and end date parameters respectively:
We will be setting the value for employee with a filter, so we don’t need to set its available or default values.
Once this is done, and the report is saved, we’re ready to add the report to a SharePoint page. To do this, simply navigate to the destination page and edit it, then insert a Reporting Services Web Part on the page. Open the web part tool pane, select the report, and set all of the View/Display options that you want to use. You will need to make sure that the prompt are is displayed, as you will need it for your users to change the date ranges. However, you can start it collapsed.
Finally, you’ll want to load up the report parameters section

You should not that all of the parameters need a value for the report to render – hence the “Enter A User” value, which will return no records. At this point, we can save the web part and test the form by entering an employee name in the Employee parameter field.


The next step is to add the Current User Filter Web Part to the page (in the Filters section of the web parts list), and configure it. It’s a context filter, and it won’t display to the end user, so you can put it anywhere on the page that you wish.


You can send either the user’s Active Directory account name, or the value of any of the User Profile fields (as an aside, this is one reason that the user profile is really important…). In our case, the back end data is in a “First Name Last Name” format, and this corresponds with the Name property of the User Profile, and is therefore what we’ll use.

Once configured, we save the web part, and then we need to connect it to the report. We do this by accessing the Web Part Edit Menu, hovering over Connections, and selecting “Send Filter Values To”


We then select the report, and the parameter to set:


​Once connected, the report should be using the name of the currently logged in user, in our case, Olaf Franz.


In the above screen I have opened the parameters pane (I have it closed by default) to show that users can change the dates, but by navigating to this single page, a user will see their own entries for the current year. However the important thing to note here is that although “Employee” is a parameter, it no longer appears in the parameters pane. This is due to the fact that its value is being set by a SharePoint filter, and it has the added benefit of allowing us to prevent users from seeing other users’ reports.

This is a perfect example of where the personalization capabilities of SharePoint can be combined with the analytic power of Reporting Services for a result that’s truly greater than the sum of the parts.